Digitalization Tips πŸ“¬ Β· Β· 1 min read

A customer-centric design approach to digitization

A customer-centric design approach to digitization

One of the most important things a business owner can do is to ensure the ordering process is efficient and user-friendly. Less friction means more business.

When you consider how customers design, request quotes, and place orders, you'll find that this process is often time-consuming and involves a lot of manual work, costing your clients time and money.

On the other hand, you want to sell more as easily as possible, but that's only feasible if you also have efficient order entry.

You can't always force a way of working, like having an Excel list to fill out or running everything through a portal. The customer doesn't know how to use your tools, isn't disciplined, or doesn't have enough time.

Metalworking companies that go digital have learned to design software solutions based on how their best customers work, rather than focusing solely on internal efficiency.

The point is

To stay competitive, businesses must focus on understanding and meeting customer needs.

Companies can reduce workload for both parties by taking a customer-oriented design approach.

If the process is easy for customers, it saves them a tremendous amount of time and resources, and they will want to order more.

Any new software or business initiatives should therefore begin with prioritizing the customer's systems and requirements.

Need help streamlining the process? Check out my consulting options.

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